3 Best Places to Travel in Canada For a Peaceful Escape

Best Places to Travel in Canada

Looking for an escape from all the hustle and bustle of the city? Want to go somewhere quiet with friends or family? Great thought. It’s best that you take some time out from all the city traffic and rush and walk on a lush green landscape. This will refresh your mind and will take all your worries away.

But then comes the challenging part; choosing which destination is worth your time and money. Leave that to us as this local guide will list the best places to travel in Canada to create some lasting memories. Let’s get right into it.

3 Popular Places to Travel in Canada

While there are dozens of must-visit destinations in Canada, we’ll list a few, three in particular, to help you decide where your escape is.

This guide is especially for those who have been to Toronto streets, Niagra Cruises, and strolled the National Park looking for something new and refreshing.

So, be ready to pack your bags and reserve a group transportation for your friends and family.

1- Wanuskewin Heritage Park

Want a historic adventure that takes you through Canada’s history and grassland scenery with a herd of bison, then this is your escape. This park was officially opened on June 27, 1992. The real significance of the park lies in its archaeological treasure which gives it the title of a National Historic Site of Canada.

If you want your children to learn about the significance of the treasure that this site has to offer, add this to your destination list. Here’s what this place has to offer:

Dig in the Past

You and your family can join a guided tour led by experts and explore the human settlements dating back nearly 6,000 years.

Adopt Indigenous Culture

You can participate in interactive exhibits and workshops. You will get a deeper understanding of the connection Indigenous peoples have with the land.

Hike or Bike

This park has scenic trails along with the gorgeous Saskatchewan grasslands that provide panoramic views.

2- La Cote-Nord, Quebec

Cote-Nord (North Coast) is yet another great escape from the city’s lights to a bright and clear sky. If you and your buddies are looking for a place for adventure filled with breathtaking exploration opportunities. You’ll find mountains and forests nearby where you can experience the extraordinary. One thing to note, this is a land of millennia meaning there’s cultural exploration as well.

Visitors can explore the Innu culture, and how these communities live their lives with a close look into their lifestyle. So, if you want a one-stop destination, make sure to consider Cote-Nord. Here’s the list of activities you can do here:

Whale Watching Extravaganza

The region boasts the “Whale Route,” a 1250-kilometer stretch along the St. Lawrence. Here, you will experience a whale-watching expedition of majestic giants like blue whales, fin whales, and belugas.

Island Hopping Adventure

Kayak or ferry fans or want to try once? Here you can explore the Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve in either of these over 400 islands. You will also get the opportunity to spot puffins, seals, and caribou along the journey.

Northern Lights Spectacle

You can’t say no to the dazzling Northern Lights dance across the night sky. Luckily, the remote location of La Côte-Nord minimizes light pollution, offering prime viewing conditions for this celestial phenomenon.

3- Prince Edward Island

Want to go somewhere where everything slows down and life seems peaceful? Prince Edward Island is just that. Prominently, East Point is a great gateway for people who want a serene place to escape. There are unforgettable beaches and formidable wildlife, taking you a step back into the past. For those who are tired from work and the worries of everyday life, an escape like this becomes a necessity.

Whether you’re planning a trip with family or friends, there’s room for fun for both. There’s always something worth exploring for people of all interests and age groups. Here, you can:

Unforgettable Sunsets

Ever seen sunsets from dramatic red sandstone cliffs overlooking the vast Ocean in the movies? If yes, then prepare yourself to experience this in real life.

East Point Lighthouse

For a historical climb, reach the top of the historic East Point Lighthouse that has standing guard over the coastline since 1867. Here you can enjoy the panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

Hidden Beaches

There are multiple pristine beaches perfect for a relaxing day waiting to be explored. Once you find one, walk along the soft sand and feel the refreshing ocean breeze.

What’s Next?

With this list of three serene destinations as your potential escape, It’s up to you now to decide which one is going to be the one. Do let us know in the comments which one you’ve picked and also if you find yourself ever in need of a ground transportation service, let us know. We’ll arrange the best-suited transportation for your journey and will take you in the utmost comfort and convenience possible.

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